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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Psa Project

Today we got a design cycle journal sheet in which we would answer some questions regarding psa's and what we were going to do for our group project. The other thing that we talked about was what we were doing for our project and the different things that we had to do in order to start the project and finish it. Next week we will be getting the videocameras to do the project with, but for now we need to have a solid plan in order to do this project first.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Todays blog

Today I saw public service announcements commercials, psa's. I watched some really exaggerated psa's concerning drunk driving and drunk texting driving. These commercials showed teens getgin into car crashes due to texting and drunk driving. Here is the link // After watching these videos we had a project that we started which involved groups of 3 and making our own psa.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Todays work

Today I was able to finish my humanitarian poster about pandas. It took me about a week to finish both my movie poster and my humanitarian poster as well. I worked hard and made it look as best as I could. All of my things that i did so far have been uploaded to my blog and I am finished.

Humanitarian Poster

This is the humanitarian poster about the pandas which need savings.
This is my movie poster: "Death on 9th Street"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today's Work

Today I started on the next project in rome which is to create two posters, one about a fictional movies not created yet and a humanitarian or environmental effort. I started on the movie poster first since it was the easiest one for me. I was able to get really far into to all I need to do is add a bit more info on it and it'll be done